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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Arabic Art - Memories of the UAE

I am holed up in my apartment in Nanjing with a very sore foot! Plantar fasciitis or a heel spur - or both - VERY PAINFUL! So I have started a series of paintings based on the drawings I mentioned in my last post. These drawings began to emerge at a painting session with Marion Davidson. Thanks Marion for your guidance and support and your encouragement to persist with them. I like them and will keep working this theme for a while and perhaps even see if they can be published as cards or postcards.

Please leave a comment to let me know if these paintings are commercially viable in your opinion!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cheryl,

    Love the painting developments. Your second Arabic work has taken a huge step forward both in terms of colour and composition. Very much more unified and I really like the fella second from right who has a particularly conversational look on his face. Yes, I think this one would make a delightful postcard. Will look forward to seeing more of these. Love and all power to your brush, Marion
